Thursday, March 10, 2011
Thursday, 10 March, 2011
This is HL #11. Head your loose leaf paper properly, as indicated on the handout. Then, complete the answers as demonstrated. Be sure to label the abiotic and biotic portions.
Students will be able to:
use information from textbooks, hands-on activities, virtual labs and classroom discussions to
-investigate structure and function relationships.
-analyze how limiting factors affect the survival of organisms.
The do now was an FCAT transparency on evolution and fossils.
Students completed the laboratory portion of the virtual lab: Save the Black Footed Ferret. Students received the conclusions and analysis/grading rubrics sheet. All lab work must be completed and ready to turn in tomorrow following class. You can find the activity and the handouts on the Discovery Education site. Use your username and password to sign in.
Home learning 11 can be found at the top of this blog.