Friday, March 4, 2011
Friday, 4 March, 2011
Be sure to complete and bring to class on Monday!
Students will be able to:
use information from textbooks, hands-on activities, virtual labs and classroom discussions to
-investigate structure and function relationships.
-analyze how limiting factors affect the survival of organisms.
The do now was a transparency on evolution.
Students began the virtual lab on Save the Black Footed Ferret, a Discovery Education activity. To access the lab, go to the Discovery Education site:
Once there, use your user name: miami_youridnumber password: youridnumber_miami
When on the site, click the third tab (assigned resources). Click the link for the Save The Black Footed Ferret to proceed.
Students received exam 5, which will be entered with the CPS clickers on Monday. You can find a copy above.