Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday, 8 November and Tuesday, 9 November, 2010

Please do both sheets, in the proper order, on ONE sheet of loose leaf paper, properly headed. Follow all written directions.

Students will be able to:
use information from internet access and classroom discussions to
-determine how light and patterns create images that can be deceptive or misleading to our brains.
-determine how material affects the speed of waves.

Due to quarterly assessment testing by the District, classes met on alternating schedules.

The do now for either day was an FCAT transparency, although they questions were different, they all dealt with The Nature of Science.

Students completed Cornell notes on light from the website from Friday, including the three Costa leveled questions with color, and the summary.

Some of the proposed questions were:

Level 1:
What is light?
How fast does light travel?
How can light be controlled?

Level 2:
Contrast reflection and refraction.
Compare reflection and refraction.
Distinguish between the methods that light can be controlled.

Level 3:
Predict what would happen to the angle of light as it passes from a less dense to a more dense medium.
Experiment to discover how the angle of reflections changes as the angle of incidence increases.

Home learning 1 can be found at the top of the blog. Follow directions carefully, and do all listed questions. Use blue/black ink or pencil, and head your loose leaf paper correctly.