Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday, 27 October - Friday, 29 October, 2010

Print these sheets out and use to make up the lab on Wave Speed.

Students will be able to:
use information from laboratory experiments and classroom discussions to
-compare the speeds of two different waves.
-determine that wave speed affects the speed of ships.

Students watched a clip from the show The Deadliest Catch, showing the action of rogue waves.

Students did the wave speed lab. If you were absent, go to the website listed, and use the data on the page as your own.

The handouts can be found at the top of this blog.

Because Thursday is an early release day, all classes will not be seen. Those classes that meet will work on completing the lab.

On Friday, all classes reviewed the mini assessment in science except period 2, which had assembly.

All classes completed the lab write up and submitted it.