Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday, 31 August, 2010

Students will be able to:
use information from texts to
-define and describe heat energy.
-compare and contrast the relationship between heat and temperature.

Students set up Cornell notes for the topic Heat Energy. They then wrote, as their do now, to answer the following:
Write an example of heat transfer that has not been used in the classroom. After sharing the do nows, students read pages 154-157 in their text. They were told to complete a handout, based on these pages in their text. Similar information can be found on pages 302-307 in the reading essential text. You can find a copy of the handout at the top of this blog. It can be completed by reading pages 75-77 in the reading essentials teacher.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday, 30 August, 2010

Make sure this cartoon is included in your notes.

Students will be able to:
use information from hands-on activities and classroom discussions to
- state that the scientific process is a means to finding the answer to a problem through a series of prescribed steps.
-describe the steps of the scientific method.
-utilize the scientific process in solving a problem.

Students began notes in their interactive science notebook.
Students wrote the date (8/24) under the date in the Table of Contents. They next recorded the Big Idea in the appropriate column. The Big Idea was SC.7.N.1.1. The topic was The Scientific Process and the page was 11.

Students then turned to page 11 and set up a Cornell notes page. Be sure the date and topic are boldly displayed on the page.

Students recopied the KWL chart on The Scientific Process. A summary of the notes can be found here:

The scientific method or process by which scientists find the answer to questions or problems.

The steps of the scientific method include: ask a question or state a problem; use inference observations; do the research; form a hypothesis; do an experiment, which includes gathering materials and following procedures; gather data; analyzing results, specifically using charts, tables and graphs to illustrate the data; draw a conclusion; rethink the hypothesis, if necessary, and and share the findings.

If you were absent on Monday, be sure to record this information on page 11.

Page 11 also had the cartoon posted at the top of this blog. This is a summary of the scientific process.

Students should write a level one question (example: What is the scientific method?); a level two question (example: What is the difference between an inference, an opinion, and a fact?) and a level three question (example: How could the scientific method solve a global issue such as the Gulf Oil leak? For EACH of the questions, use a DIFFERENT colored highlighter to highlight the question. Use the SAME color highlighter to highlight the answer in your notes!

When completed, write a two to three sentence summary based on your notes. The summary should tell what the scientific method is, and the steps involved.

Don't forget,also paste in the following directions handout. Do NOT go past page 12 in your notebook.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday, 27 August, 2010

Inside back cover.

Page 10

Page 9

Page 8

Page 7

Page 6

Page 5

Page 1

Look at this cartoon. Write to explain any relationships with heat and heat energy.

Students will be able to:
use information from hands-on activities and classroom discussions to
- state that the scientific process is a means to finding the answer to a problem through a series of prescribed steps.
-describe the steps of the scientific method.
-utilize the scientific process in solving a problem.

The do now was to write how the cartoon (found at the top of this blog) relates to heat and heat energy.

Students worked on organizing their interactive science notebooks. The handouts can be found at the top of this blog (handouts to be added at a later date, due to technical difficulties.)

Students continued to learn about heat by reading pages 75-77 in their Reading Essential books.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday, 26 August. 2010

Students will be able to use information from hands-on activities and classroom discussions to
- state that the scientific process is a means to finding the answer to a problem through a series of prescribed steps.
-describe the steps of the scientific method.
-utilize the scientific process in solving a problem.

The BIg Idea: Processes of Science

Topic: The Scientific Process

The do now: Students answered question 99 on page 54 of the Mastering the FCAT.

Students reviewed home learning.

Students also received their interactive notebooks and began construction. Since we did not finish, we will continue tomorrow.

The pages so far are: 7 table of contents pages and

Since we did not complete the notebooks, there will be no nightly home learning.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesday, 25 August, 2010

This is HL #2. Write only the letter answers on your loose leaf, correctly headed paper.

Students will be able to use information from hands-on activities and classroom discussions to
- state that the scientific process is a means to finding the answer to a problem through a series of prescribed steps.
-describe the steps of the scientific method.
-utilize the scientific process in solving a problem.

The BIg Idea: Processes of Science

Topic: The Scientific Process

The do now: KWL chart on the scientific process.

Students turned in the home learning and received HL #2, which can be found at the top of this blog. Be sure to do your home learning on loose leaf paper, headed correctly, in blue/black ink or pencil. Write only the letter answers.

Students watched the BrainPop movie on the Scientific Method. You can watch a similar movie by cutting and pasting the following link into the URL address, and then scrolling down to the link Scientific Method. Click the link to watch the movie.


Finally, students participated in an activity to determine if they could apply the steps of the scientific method to solving a problem. The activity, "all tied up" aided them in thinking through the steps of the scientific method or process in order to solve a problem.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday, 24 August, 2010

Students will be able to:
use information from classroom discussions and hands-on exploration to
-state that the scientific process is a means to finding the answer to a problem through a series of prescribed steps.
-utilize the scientific process in solving a problem.

Students submitted their parent contact forms. They also turned in and reviewed the home learning on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It wasn't as easy as it sounded!

The topic was the scientific process. Students learned that they must follow directions carefully by completing a handout that stressed the need to read and follow directions. Students also learned that in order to do scientific exploration, they must first ask a question that can be tested. They found out that even if several people do the same experiment, the results might be different, due to variables that were different in the different groups. Students discovered this while experimenting with the Mighty Bean set-up.

The home learning for tonight is to think of some world issue, such as the Gulf oil spill, the egg recall, and the trapped Chilean miners. You are to write to explain how the scientific process could help to solve the problem.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday, 23 August, 2010

Using information from classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
- identify a problem.
-suggest means by which a problem can be solved.

Welcome back Wildcats to a brand new school year. We are ready to begin another journey through The Science Zone! Get ready for the adventure of your life!

Remember, the supplies you need to bring to class daily are: science composition book, blue/black ink pens, mechanical pencils, scissors, glue sticks, 3 different colored highlighters, metric ruler, and colored pencils. In the near future, you will also need a pair of headphones and a pair of safety goggles. You will also be paying a $5 consumables fee.

You received your take home text. Leave it there for home learning and to complete reading assignments.

Your first home learning assignment is: How do you make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Write the steps out consecutively. Be sure to write on loose leaf notebook paper and head your paper correctly.

You received a letter to take home to your parents and a parent contact form. Please be sure to bring the form back tomorrow. You can find both pages at the top of this blog.